I drank half a Guinness.

18 Feb

That counts for something, right?

We have this great pub just down the block from our apartment and we are becoming regulars. (Two nights in a row = regulars, right?) The lovely lad who bartends with his attractive Irish accent is becoming our friend. Last night, after a long day of walking and shopping and the very hard work of drinking strong European coffee at a table outside a cafe, we popped down. I really wanted an Irish coffee. Alas, they were out of cream. Did I want a Guinness?

Err, did I? Me drinking beer of the light, wheat, fruit variety has only happened in the last few years. A Guinness? That is not light or fruity. Mr. Bartender had mixed Emma’s with some black currant syrup; he said lots of the ladies like it that way because it takes away the bitterness. Sure, I’ll try it.

And it wasn’t half bad. But I couldn’t quite stomach it all. I will still claim that I drank a Guinness at a pub in Ireland. Check.

Like I mentioned, the rest of the day was quite a bit of walking. We walked south of the river to where Emma lives/has class. We bummed around a notable park and Grafton Street (shopping district) while she attended class. We walked to her apartment and then back to ours. Today is another day of exploring Dublin on foot. Tomorrow? Northern Ireland by bus.

2 Responses to “I drank half a Guinness.”

  1. kari reilly February 18, 2014 at 2:11 pm #

    Looks like you are having fun!! Update on Mabel…Sam didn’t put up the loaf of bread at lunch today and I was out running errands and I came home to an empty bag on the floor! Don’t worry I took it out on Sam..hahaha. Mabel has been really good…loves when the kids come home…almost 40 today we will get a walk in sometime today. She has pretty much taken over the furniture! 🙂

    • Lindsay February 18, 2014 at 3:31 pm #

      Thanks for the update! Glad she is making herself right at home! Ha! I’ll help you vacuum when I get back to combat all the dog hair she is leaving on your furniture! THANK YOU for taking good care of her!

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